Saturday, June 2, 2007

Graduation Day!!!!!!

Nothing like some cake for the graduation party

Addy on stage with "2" hands on the diploma.

Mommy and Addy on our proud day.

Here is Jaci (left) my little girl with her friend Ivy.

I can't believe my little girl is going to kindergarten!! It seems like yesterday Addy was learning to walk and now she is telling me why stars blink (very technical to explain). I cried more today than I have the past ten years. I know there are plenty more graduations left but this ONE seemed so significant. I can't explain how proud I was as she strutted across that stage today. I guess I was a little terrified as well. I am not ready to give my little girl to this world yet....maybe never. I know I am going to have to someday, but THAT day just got a LOT closer. It's funny when you prepare to be a parent people say things like "it will change you forever" or " you will wonder how you could you love something so much when you know so little about them" and you think to yourself yeah whatever I will be different, but I am here to tell you being a father has forever changed me. I actually say a little prayer at night asking God "if you need someone from this family PLEASE take me." If you knew how selfish of a person I used to be you would understand the significance of that statement....but like they say kids WILL change you forever.


Unknown said...

G'day from Down Under!
We're listening to you here in Melbourne. Well - my neices are just absolutely gorgeous (as always!) I can't believe Addy will be in Kindergarten already. Glad you got the chance to see them this weekend! See you soon!

YO said...

Your little girls are adorable! Well, you guys hooked me. I am now a listener again to 'KTI. Although I have to agree with most of the peeps that have been blogging on your blogs, the jury for me, is still out on Erin. She won no points last week dissin' my man, Taylor Hicks. No No No! Ever! I say lucky girl that Caroline Lyders! Erin needs to ease up a little bit; she does come off as a little rude and snippy almost kind of snotty. Maybe its newbie jitters, who knows but I hope she gets better. I've relented to the fact that you guys are not at fault for the mistakes management made, so welcome to Milwaukee and it will be fun to listen, from the beginning the birth of a new radio team in Milwaukee. May we all take relish in the fact that it sounds like you guys want to settle here for a long time and I hope you guys will have the same longetivity as our former 3 stooges because as you can see, "us" Milwaukeans do not like change and immediate release! Keep doing a great job and Erin I hope you can win me over eventually!

laura said...

Hi AJ! Welcome to Milwaukee. I'm beginning to get to know the new morning show and I'm liking what I'm hearing so far. I enjoy hearing about your lives outside the station, and it was fun to hear your little one singing--what a cutie. Both your girls are alarmingly cute!;-) Anyway, keep up the good work and I sincerely hope Milwaukee is a happy place for you and your family.

Unknown said...

OK AJ Nothing like letting your mother the last to know how to reach you via this media. But I love you anyway. You still coming to SC for your sisters (both of Them) Birthday's?? Love & God Bless You and your friends at work!

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